Greenwashing Tactic #10: Gaslighting, Harassment, Stalking and Attempting to Discredit Critics

Attempting to humiliate, gaslight, discredit, harass and stalk any vocal critics of a brand, commodity or industry certification in order to scare individuals into silence and stop them from revealing corruption Greenwashing’s most insidious and darkest form is the attempt to discredit, humiliate, harass, abuse and stalk individuals in order to silence individuals and stopContinue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #10: Gaslighting, Harassment, Stalking and Attempting to Discredit Critics”

Ten Tactics of ‘Sustainable’ #PalmOil #Greenwashing

There has never been a more urgent time for consumers to wake up to the devastation wrought by global supermarket brands for palm oil Jump to section 1. Greenwashing with Hidden Trade-Off 2. Greenwashing with No Proof 3. Greenwashing with Vagueness 4. Greenwashing with Fake Labels 5. Greenwashing with Irrelevance & Deflection 6. Greenwashing byContinue reading “Ten Tactics of ‘Sustainable’ #PalmOil #Greenwashing”

Greenwashing Tactic #1: Hidden Trade Off

When a brand makes token changes while continuing with deforestation, ecocide or human rights abuses in another part of their business – this is ‘Hidden Trade Off’

For example, Nestle talks up satellite monitoring to stop palm oil deforestation. Yet their deforestation continues to accelerate in spite of this – this is ‘Hidden Trade-Off”

Greenwashing Tactic #2: No Proof

Claiming a brand or commodity is green without any supporting evidence The RSPO promises to deliver this with their certification: 1. Improves the livelihoods of small holder farmers 2. Stops illegal indigenous land-grabbing and human rights abuses 3. Stops deforestation They sell the idea of ‘sustainable’ palm oil to consumers so that they will continueContinue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #2: No Proof”

Greenwashing Tactic #4: Fake Labels

Claiming a brand or commodity is green based on unreliable, ineffective endorsements or eco-labels such as the RSPO, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or FairTrade coffee and cocoa. Greenwashing: Fake Labels and fake certifications Ecolabels are designed to reassure consumers that they are purchasing green or sustainable products. In reality the environmental standards are no betterContinue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #4: Fake Labels”

Greenwashing Tactic #6: The Lesser of Two Evils

Claiming that a brand, commodity or industry is greener than others in the same category, in order to excuse ecocide, deforestation, human rights and animal rights abuses. Jump to section Greenwashing: Lesser of Two Evils: Palm Oil Uses Less Land Than Other Crops Greenwashing messaging is pervasive by researchers Greenwashing messaging is pervasive on socialContinue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #6: The Lesser of Two Evils”

What is greenwashing?

Over the course of the 20th century, capitalism preserved its momentum by moulding the ordinary person into a consumer. Using advertising to encourage in people the ravenous hunger for purchasing more stuff and the accompanying feeling of hollowness and a need for more and more. Original Tweet Original Tweet Original Tweet Original Tweet OriginalContinue reading “What is greenwashing?”

Greenwashing Tactic #9: Partnerships, Sponsorships & Research Funding

Jump to section Orangutan Land Trust funded by rainforest destroying palm oil co. Kulim Malaysia Berhad Orangutan Land Trust funded by Agropalma: during decades-long destruction of the Amazon for palm oil Orangutan Land Trust and New Britain Palm Oil (NBPOL): Deep financial links Greenwashing Partnership: Orangutan Land Trust, Ferrero & Chester Zoo Greenwashing Partnership: WWFContinue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #9: Partnerships, Sponsorships & Research Funding”

Greenwashing Tactic #3: Vagueness

Claiming a brand or commodity is ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ based on broad generalisations, unclear language or vague statements Jump to section Greenwashing: Vagueness in Language Greenwashing: Vagueness in certification standards Reality: Auditing of RSPO a failure Quote: EIA: Who Watches the Watchmen 2 (2019) Quote: Greenpeace: Destruction Certified (2021) Quote: EIA: Burning Questions the CredibilityContinue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #3: Vagueness”

Greenwashing Tactic #7: Lying

Telling outright lies over and over again to consumers until they are believed as truth Jump to section Greenwashing: Endangered species Reality: Endangered species Greenwashing: Human rights, land-grabbing and livelihoods for workers Reality: Human rights, land-grabbing and livelihoods for workers An open letter from Friends of the Earth and 100 Human Rights NGOs Greenwashing: DeforestationContinue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #7: Lying”

Greenwashing Tactic #8: Design & Words

Using design principles and greenwashing language in order to trigger emotional and unconscious responses in consumers Jump to section Greenwashing: Design Principles Greenwashing Design Example: Palm Done Right Greenwashing Design Example: WWF Palm Oil Scorecard 2021 Greenwashing with Words: Vegan Versus Plant-Based Greenwashing with Words: Destructive Global Brands Claiming to be Vegan What is Veganism?Continue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #8: Design & Words”

Greenwashing Tactic #5: Irrelevance and Deflection

Claiming a brand, commodity or industry is green based on irrelevant information Jump to section Greenwashing: Irrelevant Topics Greenwashing: Colonial Racism Research: Palm oil greenwashing and its link to climate denialism Reality: RSPO Certification Doesn’t Stop Deforestation, Human Rights Abuses etc. Reality: Global Witness report links supermarket brands (RSPO members) to palm oil plantation deathsContinue reading “Greenwashing Tactic #5: Irrelevance and Deflection”