Philippine Sailfin Lizard Hydrosaurus pustulatus

Stunning bright coloured Philippine sailfin lizards are becoming more and more rare from palm oil deforestation across their range in #WestPapua #Philippines and eastern #Indonesia. They are also threatened by hunting and the pet trade. Males turn a dark violet colour during mating season and flare their extravagant sail-like fins to announce their mating prowess. They have a third eye on the top of their head which enables them to sense sunlight. Help them survive and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

Titiwangsa Horned Tree Lizard Acanthosaura titiwangsaensis

Titiwangsa Horned Tree Lizard Acanthosaura titiwangsaensis Endangered Malaysia This upland species of lizard ranges no lower than 1,000 m asl, and is associated with dipterocarp forests. Lizards are occasionally seen during the day on the sides of small trees in dense undergrowth, usually no more than two metres above the forest floor. The Titiwangsa HornedContinue reading “Titiwangsa Horned Tree Lizard Acanthosaura titiwangsaensis”