Mandrill Mandrillus sphinx

Magnificent #mandrills are undoubtedly one of the world’s most photogenic monkeys – famous for their brightly coloured and expressive appearance. Their bright blue rumps and vivid red, yellow and pink faces become even more deeply colourful when they’re excited. Males use their extra long canines for self-defence, but exposing their teeth can also be a sign of friendliness. Mandrills are important seed dispersers and a critical part of keeping the ecosystem in balance. These beautiful monkeys are vulnerable from palm oil, meat and cocoa deforestation and intensive poaching. Help their survival and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

Goliath Frog Conraua goliath

Goliath Frogs are the largest frog in the world and can grow as large as a domestic cat. These muscle-bound #amphibians lift heavy rocks to build nests and protect their young. They face extinction from #palmoil #deforestation.

Their nesting and reproduction is hugely dependent upon access to clean, fast-flowing rivers – for this reason the encroachment of industrial scale palm oil, cocoa and timber deforestation and p0llution of rivers is a direct threat to the existence of the goliath frog. Help them every time you shop in the supermarket and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

Western Lowland Gorilla Gorilla gorilla

Mighty, intelligent and gentle Western Lowland Gorillas are well-loved apes, they are #critically endangered by #deforestation and habitat loss for #palmoil, cocoa and mining along with disease and illegal poaching in #Congo #Nigeria #Cameroon Help them to survive every time you shop! Join the #Boycott4Wildlife

Drill Mandrillus leucophaeus

According to National Geographic, Drills are shy creatures that live in one small and remote area of Africa. Their faces aren’t as colourful as another species in their genus the Mandrill. Yet Drills still possess a dramatic appearance with pitch-black faces surrounded with a white fringe. Males have fatty cheek pads and a splash of red under their lower lips gives them the appearance of having broken into a makeup cabinet.