What is Halloween’s most terrifying tale? Palm oil greenwashing and ecocide contained in your favourite treats!

This #Halloween, as you revel in the spooky tales and creepy costumes, remember that the most terrifying tale of all isn’t enjoyable folklore—it’s the horrifying truth about #palmoil. This ingredient causes #deforestation, #humanrights abuses, and indigenous land-grabbing. The production of palm oil casts a dark shadow over our planet, as it can only be grown on destroyed tropical rainforests. So-called “sustainable” palm oil used by the world’s biggest food brands like Nestle, Mondelez, Hersheys and Mars is a greenwashing lie. So don’t buy any of it! All palm oil threatens the very existence of wildlife, polluting our air and water, accelerates climate change, and tramples on the rights of indigenous communities worldwide. This Halloween, take action and use your wallet as a weapon. 🌍🌳🦍 #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

Learn how to boycott palm oil this Halloween in America, the UK and Australia

The reality of these chocolate and confectionery brands is the spookiest story you will ever hear this Halloween Learn how to boycott with handy lists for the US, Uk and Australia. Countless reports show that popular lollies, candies and chocolate brands in Australia, the United States of America and United Kingdom such as Hersheys, Nestle,Continue reading “Learn how to boycott palm oil this Halloween in America, the UK and Australia”

10 reasons why ecolabels & commodity certification will never be a solution for importing tropical deforestation

In 2022, 71 environmental and human rights groups from around the world wrote to the EU Commission to warn that certification schemes and ecolabels were not sufficient to prevent human rights abuses and deforestation from entering the European Union. Thankfully in 2023 this has come to pass.

Fast forward to 2023, in the UK, industry lobbyists including Ferrero and serial greenwashing outfit Orangutan Land Trust have watered down the UK’s commitment to not importing deforestation into the UK. The new trade deal with Malaysia paves the way for mass importation of palm oil ecocide.

RSPO and FSC have been shown for decades to be ineffective and corrupt. They have failed in preventing human rights abuses, illegal land-grabbing, violence, deforestation, ecocide and species extinction.

So here are 10 reasons that UK should not rely on weak and ineffective certification schemes to enforce its zero deforestation mandate. Originally published by GRAIN

Want to avoid palm oil? You need a ‘palm oil free’ label

The most important factor determining whether consumers avoid purchasing a product containing palm oil is not how they feel about orangutans, the environment, or anything else for that matter. It’s whether they know what’s in the product. Melbourne Business School Research reveals that consumers’ ability to diagnose whether a product is made with palm oilContinue reading “Want to avoid palm oil? You need a ‘palm oil free’ label”

New research: Indirect sourcing of up to 90% of palm oil from Cargill, Wilmar, Musim Mas cannot be traced and is linked to deforestation

New research: Indirect sourcing of up to 90% of palm oil from Cargill, Wilmar, Musim Mas cannot be traced and is linked to deforestation

Boycotts are a crucial weapon to fight environment-harming firms

Bill Laurance, James Cook University Campaigns and boycotts get the attention of large corporations, because they hit them where it hurts: their reputation and market share. In October 2000, I was driving through downtown Boise, Idaho, and nearly careered off the road. Just in front of me was a giant inflatable Godzilla-like dinosaur, well overContinue reading “Boycotts are a crucial weapon to fight environment-harming firms”