Abbott’s Gray Gibbon Hylobates abbotti

Abbott’s Gray Gibbon Hylobates abbotti Endangered Indonesia (Kalimantan); Malaysia (Sarawak) The Abbott’s Gray Gibbon belongs to the genus Hylobates. The word Hylobates means ‘Forest Walker’ in Greek. The gibbons in this genus are known for the white circle of fur around their faces. They are known to communicate in species-specific song when defining territory orContinue reading “Abbott’s Gray Gibbon Hylobates abbotti”

Northern Gray Gibbon Hylobates funereus

Northern Gray Gibbons form close familial bonds and monogamous pairs they are #endangered in #Brunei #Indonesia and #Malaysia due to #deforestation illegal hunting and the #pettrade. Support their survival #Boycott4Wildlife

Smoky Flying Squirrel Pteromyscus pulverulentus

Smoky Flying Squirrel Pteromyscus pulverulentus Endangered Brunei Darussalam; Indonesia (Sumatera, Kalimantan); Malaysia (Sarawak, Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah); Thailand The Smoky Flying Squirrel lives in tree hollows in tall, undisturbed lowland primary forest (below 3,000 m asl), but they also rely on exposed nests. They are less common at higher elevations but a few populations have been foundContinue reading “Smoky Flying Squirrel Pteromyscus pulverulentus”