Air pollution from palm oil deforestation is a human rights issue affecting everyone in Asia

Forest-fire haze drifting from Indonesia to neighbouring countries every dry season has eluded efforts to curb it.

Land clearing by burning is prohibited in Indonesia and Malaysia. However, penalising foreign companies for palm oil and timber deforestation has been hampered by cronyism and corruption.

Under-explored legal avenues may provide new solutions to the decades-old problem.

Amazon River Dolphin Inia geoffrensis

The Amazon River dolphins, also known as the Boto Dolphins or Amazon Pink River Dolphins are playful, curious and intelligent mammals, the largest river dolphin species in the world. Known for their stunning pink coloured skin they are endangered due to human-related threats like #palmoil, #meat and #soy #deforestation, #gold #mining and #pollution. Help them survive each time you shop and use your wallet as a weapon. Be #vegan, #Boycottpalmoil and #Boycott4Wildlife

Insect decline in the Anthropocene: Death by a thousand cuts

Although conservation efforts have historically focused attention on protecting rare, charismatic, and endangered species, the “insect apocalypse” presents a different challenge. In addition to the loss of rare taxa, many reports mention sweeping declines of formerly abundant insects [e.g., Warren et al. (29)], raising concerns about ecosystem function.

The Orangutan with the golden hair: A short story by Setia Budhi @setiabudhi18

He’s a golden haired orangutan, at least that’s what the villagers called him…. He is a male of the species of Pongo pygmaeus. This orangutan appears all the time on the slopes of the Müller Mountains, located 10,000 meters from the Mantikip Dayak village in the lush green heart of Borneo. News spreads rapidly throughoutContinue reading “The Orangutan with the golden hair: A short story by Setia Budhi @setiabudhi18”

Why join the #Boycott4Wildlife?

According to a 2021 survey by Nestle of 1001 people, 17% of millennial shoppers (25-45 years old) completely avoid palm oil in the supermarket. 25% said that they actively check to see if products contain palmoil. As a generation, we now have the opportunity to push our local communities and our children away from harmfulContinue reading “Why join the #Boycott4Wildlife?”

Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire: Let’s Sort the Plastic Menace

Smoke is a clear sign of something brewing up. The decision taken afterward determines the outcomes. If ignored, the fire may destroy everything. But if we bother to check out, we may save the day. It has been more than a month now since we heard the rumors of Kenya being used as a hubContinue reading “Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire: Let’s Sort the Plastic Menace”