Why you should only buy palm oil free chocolate this Easter

Easter is almost upon us and that means chocolate eggs and indulgence. Used as an emulsifier in chocolate, palm oil is what gives cheap chocolate a disgusting soapy and chalky flavour. It is prefered by mass producers because it is cheap. However its environmental and social cost is enormous.

Palm oil is linked to death, ecocide, deforestation and destruction. So this Easter, make sure you look out for palm oil free brands and actively avoid dirty palm oil.

“Sustainable” palm oil is a complete lie. RSPO members promoting themselves as being eco-friendly are still causing deforestation and human rights abuses for “sustainable” palm oil.

Below you can learn more about the tactics of palm oil greenwashing regularly employed to fool consumers.

Palm oil free and vegan Christmas recipes

Wondering how to cook #vegan and #palmoilfree this Christmas or Hannukah? Help keep the rainforests standing and resist #extinction with 10 cruelty-free and healthy recipes. These dishes feature oodles of scrumptious vegetables and the world’s most versatile ingredient margarine without palm oil. This Christmas menu is not only easy to whip up, but also brims with health, good will and love for all beings. Fight back in the supermarket! #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

Ultra-processed foods are trashing our health – and the planet

Our world is facing a huge challenge: we need to create enough high-quality, diverse and nutritious food to feed a growing population – and do so within the boundaries of our planet. This means significantly reducing the environmental impact of the global food system. Below is information about how you can identify ultra processed foods containing palm oil and other harmful additives, in order to avoid them – for your own health and the health of the planet.

Palm Oil Free Christmas

Enjoy Christmas knowing that your Christmas feast is not contributing to palm oil related rainforest destruction, human rights abuses and slavery. Instead it will be a succulent, budget-friendly, cruelty-free and thoroughly delicious triumph that will go down in history!

Learn how to boycott palm oil this Halloween in America, the UK and Australia

The reality of these chocolate and confectionery brands is the spookiest story you will ever hear this Halloween Learn how to boycott with handy lists for the US, Uk and Australia. Countless reports show that popular lollies, candies and chocolate brands in Australia, the United States of America and United Kingdom such as Hersheys, Nestle,Continue reading “Learn how to boycott palm oil this Halloween in America, the UK and Australia”

Reasons to Hope: Palm Oil Alternatives Made Without Deforestation

Environmental organisation Milieudefensie have calculated that every second, around 169 trees are cut down in tropical rainforests. So the race is on to find a real solution to stop this! Right now, several new technologies are furiously competing with each other to create a healthier, lab-created alternatives to palm oil. Palm oil has been historically grown inContinue reading “Reasons to Hope: Palm Oil Alternatives Made Without Deforestation”

Want to avoid palm oil? You need a ‘palm oil free’ label

The most important factor determining whether consumers avoid purchasing a product containing palm oil is not how they feel about orangutans, the environment, or anything else for that matter. It’s whether they know what’s in the product. Melbourne Business School Research reveals that consumers’ ability to diagnose whether a product is made with palm oilContinue reading “Want to avoid palm oil? You need a ‘palm oil free’ label”

Health Physician Dr Evan Allen: In His Own Words

Bio: Dr Evan Allen Dr. Evan Allen, the author of Oversaturated, believes that a pervasive distortion of the truth ignores decades of established research and has led millions of people to embrace a diet high in saturated fat. Furthermore that this diet results in millions of people suffering the consequences of diabetes, dementia and heart diseaseContinue reading “Health Physician Dr Evan Allen: In His Own Words”

Palm Oil Free Sunscreens & Insect Repellent

Stay safe in the summer heat and be reassured that the sunscreen on your skin is not destroying rainforests for palm oil. Here’s a selection of palm oil free sunscreens and insect repellents.

Palm Oil Free Haircare

Keep your hair looking beautiful without contributing to tropical deforestation with rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced shampoos and conditioners.

Palm Oil Free Chocolate, Candy and Confectionery

Buying chocolate, candy or lollies as a gift or just want to indulge yourself? Then enjoy your chocolate fix without eating rainforest-destroying palm oil! If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced chocolate and vegan chocolate (if you happen to be vegan).

Also – cocoa is another highly controversial ingredient linked to deforestation and human rights abuses. Mighty Earth create regular guides profiling (big and small) chocolate brands so you can decide which ones to purchase and which to #Boycott4Wildlife based on cocoa and palm oil

Palm Oil Free Biscuits, Cakes and Cookies

Are you wanting some sweet snacks, cookies or biscuits for your next Netflix binge? Then enjoy this without eating rainforest-destroying palm oil! If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced biscuits and cookies.

Palm Oil Free Sauces and Condiments

Here are some palm oil free sauces and condiments that do not contain rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced food instead of mass-produced food.

Palm Oil Free Pet Food & Pet Products

Here are some palm oil free pet food brands that DO NOT use rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced products instead of mass-produced pet food.

Palm Oil Free Cooking Oil, Margarine and Spreads

To avoid palm oil in margarines, nut butters and cooking oils, see the list below and choose locally produced cooking oils such as olive, sesame or peanut oil and make your own foods instead of buying convenience foods. That way you avoid rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. You will likely avoid palm oil if you pick up a locally produced cooking oil and make food yourself.

Palm Oil Free Ice-cream and Frozen Desserts

Here are some palm oil free icecream brands that do not use rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced ice cream instead of mass-produced brands.

Palm Oil Free Crisps, Snacks, Convenience Foods

Here are some palm oil free convenience food and snack brands that DO NOT use rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced productsContinue reading “Palm Oil Free Crisps, Snacks, Convenience Foods”

Palm Oil Free Soap

Here are some palm oil free soaps that do not contain rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced soaps instead of mass-produced soap.

Palm Oil Free Skincare products

Here are some palm oil free skincare and beauty products that do not contain rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list on packaging – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced products insteadContinue reading “Palm Oil Free Skincare products”

Palm Oil Free Cleaning Products

Clean your home without using rainforest-destroying palm oil. If you are ever in doubt look for the prefixes: LAUR, STEAR, GYLC and PALM in the ingredients list – this is most likely palm oil. Another tip is to shop for locally produced cleaning products and brands instead of mass-produced products.